Numtel Lízmeś
Numtel Íslel Lízmeś (
Lízmeś was educated at Oloton National College and studied Journalism at Źilan College, Artun. In 1982, she became the domestic affairs correspondent for the National Vision newspaper, eventually becoming chair of the North Kulpan Political Journalists' Association in 1991. After having joined the Beśelsotvirośa party in 1988, other members of the Association accused Lízmeś of socialist bias in her reporting, as she regularly published critical opinions of the incumbent Jóráta government, while also encouraging colleagues who did the same.
Lízmeś first ran for the position of House Representative of Rombay in 1992, however after two unsuccessful campaigns in the same year and 1996, she instead campaigned in the neighbouring area, Norcan and Dorab, being elected into Nation Hall for the first time on 9 December 2000.
In May 2005, Lízmeś became a member of the Olotontor and Nunnex Joint Council after controversial figure Mrental Únqis was assassinated while attending talks to further merge the council to including the East Highlands. During her time on the board, she ardently campaigned for the opening of the Oloton Metro and a KulpanRail link from her local area of Dorab and Norcan to the centre of the city. She spent three years serving on this council until she was voted out in the 2008 local election.
From 2009 onwards, Lízmeś began to become a more influential figure in Nation Hall, frequently critiquing decisions made by members of Jóráta, and regularly making controversial claims about her own party's performance. This pushed her further up in the Beśelsotvirośa party, managing to quickly become deputy leader of the party in 2010. She held onto this position until 2014, when her superior, Bínmál Tinsem, resigned from his post as leader of the party after a series of claims made in his campaign for President with questionable legitimacy. Beśelsotvirośa won the 2014 general election, elevating her into the position of President of the State on 9 November 2014.